flashing power light on sharp aquos

flashing power light on sharp aquos
Sharp TV - Flashing OPC & Power Lights. TV Power Light Flashing Power Sharp bis -75%06.01.2008 · Problem with Sharp Aquos LC-37G4U 37 in. HDTV-Ready LCD Television. Lcd sharp tv flashing green light. Power went out in our city, then when we went to
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Preisvergleich, der sich lohnt! Aquos Sharp finden.
Lcd sharp tv flashing green light - FixYa

Sharp Aquos TV flashing a OPC & Power Lights in a pattern of 3 flashes, pause, then 3 flashes again.
I had bad luck with a 45" Sharp Aquos and vowed to never buy from Sharp again. Anyway, you can go to www.sharpusa.com (assuming you live in the US) and search for the
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Sharp lcd tv power button flashing - HDTV.
Power Sharp bis -75%
flashing power light on sharp aquos
Sharp Aquos
I just received a Sharp Aquos LC37D64U from Dell.com this past Friday. I watched the unit all week while it was hooked up to my Digital TV box via component cables,
Flashing green light on cable box and not working. I want to connect my xbox 360 to my time warner cable box i have the hdmi cord plugged into the tv to the cable box